Meet The Creators of the Member Spotlight

By Aimee Greeter & Kathy Brown | July 1, 2021

Meet The Creators of the Member Spotlight

Meet Communications and Marketing Committee members, Kathy Brown and Aimee Greeter, who create the Member spotlights each month in the Member Connection. The spotlight now shines on them!

We began the Member Spotlights in September 2020 in part as a way to connect with each other during a time when so many of us were staying home and staying apart. Since that time, we featured 10 inspiring and incredible women, and are grateful they have agreed to share their stories! In our role as part of the WIF Communications and Marketing Committee, Kathy and I have had the honor of documenting these pieces. Today, we are excited to get in front of the lens, and introduce ourselves to you!

I joined WIF five years ago at the suggestion of my friend Jane Glenn and immediately jumped into the Education Grants Committee, followed by the Human Services Committee. I loved getting an up-close look at so many wonderful nonprofits serving the Charlotte community. I joined the Communications Committee in 2020.

A native Texan, I have a journalism degree from Northwestern University and began my career here in Charlotte as an editor at Business North Carolina magazine back in 1998. My husband and I then moved to London for three years, where I worked for a British financial magazine. After we returned to the States, I took up freelance writing and copyedited a local parenting magazine. Ultimately, we had three boys, and I became a full-time mom. My sons are now 17, 15, and 11, and about two years ago, I started an editing and proofreading business ( I also teach writing to homeschool students and coach high school seniors on their college admission essays.

I am passionate about early childhood literacy and have volunteered with the North Star reading program and Read Charlotte in CMS schools. I love (in no particular order): Mexican food, a freshly sharpened pencil, 80s trivia, good wine, dogs, friends who can laugh at themselves, and traveling. In my spare time, I’m an avid reader, a semi-professional coffee drinker, an exceptionally bad beginner golfer, and a grammar and punctuation nerd.

I joined WIF in the summer of 2019, after hearing about it from several different friends (and many thanks to Jennifer Winstel, Vida Harvey, Jennifer Beightley, and Jhaymee Tynan for their encouragement to join!). On my introductory call, Mary Stokes made me immediately feel welcomed and encouraged me to think about joining a committee.  I took some time to learn more about the organization, think about where my talents may best be put to use, and then join the Communications and Marketing Committee.

While I hope I’ve added some value, I feel incredibly fortunate to have had the team we did this past year – they taught me more than a thing or two and I saw firsthand how much more the collective genius within WIF has to offer than anything I alone could contribute! While I believe we all see the significant impact of our collective economic giving in joining WIF, the value likewise derived from our collective giving of time and talent should not be overlooked. If you are even considering participating in a committee, my advice would be to go for it – I promise that you and the organization will be all the better for it.

Professionally, I lead the Strategy practice for a national healthcare consulting firm. In that role, I help hospitals and physicians figure out how to be successful in an ever-changing industry, including buying or selling their organization to a strategic partner. I’ve been at the same firm for the last 13 years and I am grateful to immensely enjoy my clients and colleagues alike. Over the past year, I wrote a book on crisis leadership and its applications for healthcare providers (what timing!), and I am anxiously counting down the days until it is released (78 and counting!) – let me know if you’d like me to autograph your copy! 🙂

My husband and I live with our two children, a precocious 6-year-old girl, and a kindhearted 4-year-old boy, in Plaza Midwood, where we spend a lot of time running, bike riding, reading, and playing on the playground at Veteran’s Park. I’m also currently training to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, so if you ever want to go for a hike (or have tips and tricks to share from your hiking adventures), please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Again, the success of the past year of Member Spotlights rests squarely upon the shoulders of the women who have contributed their stories. We are so thankful for your contributions! As we look forward to the coming year, let us know if you have any interest in being featured, or know someone else who would be great.

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