ourBRIDGE for Kids Infuses Art Into Afterschool Programming

Lea Johnson | March 19, 2018

ourBRIDGE for Kids Infuses Art Into Afterschool Programming

Did you know that Charlotte is the third largest refugee first stop on the east coast? In 2017, Women’s Impact Fund made a two-year $100,000 grant to ourBRIDGE for KIDS to create and support an arts-based curriculum for its after school and summer programs for immigrant and refugee children.

Infusing arts into its existing literacy and STEM curriculum maximized the level of engagement of 262 ourBRIDGE students during the grant period, helping them express themselves across language and cultural barriers.

Through the arts curriculum, ourBRIDGE was able to create partnerships, including with The Harvey B. Gantt Center. The Gantt Center supported multiple field trips and provided consultation on a self-portrait curriculum, advising how to represent not just what you look like, but who you are and how you feel within self-portraits through choices of color and other creative elements. We are excited to share that the arts curriculum and curriculum director position will continue to be supported
beyond the WIF grant period.

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