Spark Funds Cops & Barbers and Stiletto Boss University

By Patricia Massey Hoke | March 19, 2020

Spark Funds Cops & Barbers and Stiletto Boss University
Thanks to those members who voted on our March 2020 Spark ballot, which closed on Monday, March 16. We had 178 members vote, a significant majority of whom affirmed the two recommendations of the Spark committee. In the coming weeks, we will fund the following two grants:
    • $25,000 to Cops and Barbers for unrestricted operating support and additional support for 1:1 executive coaching for founder and executive director, Shaun “Lucky” Corbett; and
    • $15,000 to Stiletto Boss University to fund program evaluation advising for founder and director, Jania Massey, and unrestricted operating support.
As a reminder, you can read about the Spark grants process here and share your ideas with the Spark committee here.
Shaun “Lucky” Corbett
Jania Massey (Photo by Lindsay Kappius)
Stiletto Boss University Group picture

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