UNCC Students Serve as WINGS for Kids Mentors

Linda Martin | November 1, 2019

UNCC Students Serve as WINGS for Kids Mentors

In 2017, WIF wisely invested $100,000 to sustain the WINGS for Kids Afterschool program. Wings uses an early and comprehensive approach utilizing evidence-based social-emotional learning practices. This fosters the mindsets, skills, and confidence within each child to behave well, make good decisions, and build healthy relationships. 

Our grant was used to help fund stipends for UNCC college students, also from high poverty backgrounds, to be part-time Leaders/Mentors for this program who provided inspiration and a broader view of what is possible. 

542 children participated in the program during our grant and a majority evidenced significant achievement for their demographics. In addition, WIF was responsible for other grants being obtained by Wings.

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