Tired of Talking About Racial Equity? Why You Should Care

by Pamela Harris-Young | May 18, 2021

Tired of Talking About Racial Equity? Why You Should Care

Racial equity has been on every news station and in every newspaper in 2020 and 2021. Some people are starting to say that they are tired of hearing about it. However, I feel we need to continue speaking about racial equity, and here’s why.

Racial inequity in America has been with us since the beginning of our republic. It started with Native Americans, Africans, and immigrants classified as Irish, Italian, Jewish, Asian, Muslim, and Latino. It continues to happen to Asians, Muslims, Latinos, and African Americans today. This reoccurring problem is painful for the whole society because the people who are benefiting the most from the inequality continue to unknowingly inflict the pain on fellow Americans.

People of many different backgrounds have significantly contributed over the centuries to the America we are today. Those contributions should be acknowledged and appreciated. We are benefitting from their sacrifices. Some even sacrificed their lives for the benefits we have today.

To be a united America we must work as one. A divided country will never fully capitalize on its strength. The inscription on the Statue of Liberty reads: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Let’s continue to question how much we contribute to this inequality and ask ourselves what small thing can I do to make a difference? Be committed to learning more, seeking out resources to broaden your knowledge, and reaching out to others to gain additional insight.

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